Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dance in the Grass, Darn it all!

I sit here trying to get myself to wind down, breath, let go and let be.

I spent my first part of the morning calling locations, gathering prices, watching the "should haves" add up to some ridiculous number for our wedding. I did manage to make my "inspiration" collages, these will help... I hope. (If anything, it gave me an excuse to print out pictures and use glue sticks)

Then I try to switch gears and move into student-intellectual mode.

Then switch gears to mentor mode

Then back to wedding planning mode (This time, spending time with my new family)

and now to "I really need to find the off switch" mode.

Closing thoughts of my day:

- People can dance anywhere. Yes, a dance floor would be ideal... but before dance floors, people danced in the grass, or sand, or dirt. So kick off your shoes, and dance in the grass people. It will be fun. darn it!
- Things will come together. At the end of the day, the end result is the same: we're married.
- It WILL NOT rain July 14, 2012.
- I need to eat more. This "too busy to eat" I just started doing this past month is not going to cut it.
- I really miss my fiance. I hope his time in Canada is nice, but I miss being able to contact him.
- Above everything, dance floor or just grass, good food or... not.... I really want this wedding to radiate God's grace and this miracle of two people coming together. Thats all. To be honest? That is something I can not create by planning or organizing enough... and at this moment, this is a comforting reality.

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