Saturday, March 27, 2010

Never give in and never give up. - Hubert H. Humphrey

Tonight it hit me: I am going to Mexico in three months. It does not feel like three months, because I have so much to accomplish. After this semester is complete, I have one week before my spring semester begins.

Plus, I thought, "Hey, before I go to bed, I will look up information on my professors for the spring!". Yeah... stupid idea.... turns out my Modern English professor has ruined so many student's GPA with her anal grading habits, that my best bet is to work my butt off and hope she likes me...

So needless to say, that time period between June 23-and July 6 called "prepare for Mexico" time, will probably feel like heaven after the previous 2 months of "sell your soul to my class" time.

But it's ok.

I am ready for this.

I am ready for all of it.


well... maybe?

Look out for panicked "OH MY GOSH I AM GOING INSANE" posts in the future, and that will be our answer huh?

Oh gosh, I love life.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Most ball games are lost, not won. ~ Casey Stengel

I believe looking at the big picture should be done with care. At least concerning a college education. I am partly convinced that there is a person out there, who sneaks in extra classes every once and a while, just to keep us here forever.

I'm a nerd, and I type out my "college plan". This is so I do not miss anything, and so I keep track of my progress. Depressing part? I keep realizing I missed a class or two. Another depressing part? Opposed to adding an extra year to my college experience, I am simply adding in summer school. Despite how hard core I feel... still a little depressing...

The other day as I was walking on campus, amazed on how warm it feels, and decided "I will enjoy this. I will not spend all of my college years wishing it was over." So there. My new motto concerning college degree seeking.

Speaking of college, we had this interesting discussion about women in my British Lit. class. My professor tried to get us to understand why girls have such underhand power, and his simple statement was "Men fear women. You are more intelligent then us, and we know that. We are filled with logic while you women are filled with... well everything that confuses our logic"
He is the professor who laughs at stories about women being suppressed, says that women always had power. It is an interesting statement to think about. I am not ignoring the thousands of women who are oppressed by men across the world as I write this... but America is filled with whiney women who want to be equal to men. But the question is this: do we really want that? Really, think about this one.

I am where I am on this. I am very much so aware of my estrogen and know if I had children I want to be there for them, however I love college and love the idea of having a career in education. So I am grateful that the feminist movement made education and opportunities all that more available for us.

And as for the personal life.

If you were to ask me about a month ago,if life could become more confusing, I'd say "NO!"
But if you were to ask that question today, I'd have to say "Yes".
Right and wrong in matters that seem grey are difficult to figure. I have been told over and over - "life is filled with these. The important thing is that you DO decide, and when you do, you stick to it and deal with the consequences that may follow."

However I will confess, I have become an expert at riding the fence. Such an expert I am, that I have a depressing announcement to make:
The grass is NOT greener on the other side.