Monday, August 22, 2011

This Bathroom

Today was the first morning spent in my new bathroom. I have it all to myself. I have a shower that only I wash within, I even have a toilet that... well no guarantees on that one.

Little sis has moved on.

It is odd however. This was the bathroom I used for 11 years before I moved out a few years ago. This was where I brushed my braces, lost my retainers, figured out make-up, battled with curls, and discovered washing your face before bed saves your skin from pimples.

I was a little slow on this one.
My mom kept telling me to wash my face more.
I wonder if I was just trying to stand for my independence
or I'm secretly incredibly strong willed.

Some of the best teenage angst-filled arguments between sisters were fought in this bathroom.

But on the flip side, this bathroom has endured the after effects of some of the saddest days in my life.
This was where I unpacked my things after I realized my dad died while I was frolicking around Mexico...
and this was the mirror I stared into blankly with a numb heart after I lost all the purity I tried to save.

Pretty much, this poor little bathroom endured my silent ways of dealing with all of those new regrets I collected like pokemon cards.

I actually never played Pokemon..
and I will be honest and also confess, I don't get it.
I mean... the rules. Or how you win. Or if you win...

So I'm back. To this bathroom. Same girl, new life in Christ. (Thank GOD)

This will be my last week before school begins! I am spending most of it working at the restaurant in a panic, hoarding the money I make in fear of not having enough.
I was reflecting and budgeting in bed this morning after devotions...

Because devotions in bed is the best thing ever.
Wake up, roll over, and read...
it's great.
I actually contemplated getting a lap desk so I can do EVEN MORE stuff in bed!
Like homework
comfortable laptop typing
drawing! Yeah, I'll draw more!
Card making
Planner organizing....
But then I realized I should pace my nerd-growth
and did not buy a lap desk.

Anyway... I became really disappointed in myself. Money was always been there for me, God has blessed me with a job where making extra dollars comes easly. I have been able to travel without asking for assistance, and kept the loans for school on the small-ish side over the years

But this year I really over-estimated my grants for school, and for the first time I am looking at the money that needs to be there, and realizing... it's not there like it used to be!

But here is today's whip-lash:

“Trust me, and don’t be afraid; for I am your Strength, Song, and Salvation” -Jesus Calling

Pretty much, I'm just going to be responsible and trust in God.

this will mean more sack lunches and less bagels at school...

no lap desk...

probably no more cute underwear shopping...

and I vow to ONLY get coffee at school if I have a mug for it (only a DOLLAR! for refills!)

Because I refuse to worry about this... much... and besides it's kind of fun. Ya know? Life requires a LOT MORE creativity when you don't throw money around, and I cherish creativity in all it's forms so very much

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Blog Make-Over!

I just gave my blog a make-over, and now I'm exhausted. This is mostly in due to time of night than my blog's extreme make-over, and I'm a little bummed that I can't move the quote more towards the chicken's feet...

but I wash my hands of it! I will allow the un-movable quote to stay where it is... staying...

I have this suspicion, that my little sister Christy MAY love my cat more than I do.

This is all in consideration that she actually has a squeaky way of saying "Your so cute Cute CUTE!" and she calls me over whenever she catches my cat doing something cute or stupid.

So, when she moves to Lansing to stay at the dorms in Michigan State, I know she's going to struggle.

NOT because she misses her boyfriend.

Or the hours worth of homework and classes...


She will miss my cat.

So I did the most logical, loving, big sister thing I could do.

I ordered from Etsy, a hand made stand-in Honey. :)

I will be the only sister living at home after this month, for the two baby sisters are moving out, leaving mom alone with her baby boy and I.

I have BIG dreams for this basement... which include an office and repainted walls. But time is slipping by quickly, and if I don't get on top of this "Paint the whole basement by myself" kick than... well I'll just have to live with ugly wood paneling.

Who need's to move out when you have your own basement?

And may I add... I am so excited to have my FIRST winter with a garage parking space!

I am officially a spoiled Michigander.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Can I stick my finger in it!"

"The mixture of chocolate and butter scotch is absolutely delightful!" - I proclaim as I am creaming together my melting chocolate and butter scotch (with peanut butter! Peanut butter makes the American world go round, you just don't know it yet)

Consequently, in response to my adorations...
my little sister Christy does not join in and agree...
or ooo and ahh over my amazing baking skills...

I mean... ok... so maybe I was using the microwave...
its easier!

No. The little nerd looks up from her color-by-number project and says:

"Can I stick my finger in it!"

Oh my goodness.

Good news however! After much searching and rummaging around, I believe I have found the perfect birthday cake for the boyfriend. Chocolate with caramel! And the blog is titled "When Ninjas Cook"... so it has to be good. I hear making home made caramel is tricky however... so this will either be the best thing i've ever made or... the worst.

If all hell breaks loose in the kitchen, I could always go to the store and buy a cake mix from a box and put caramel in it somewhere and pretend I'm amazing...

... problem with this is that he's not the easiest guy to trick... so if it taste horrible he may just have to munch on crunchy chunky caramel.