Sunday, May 22, 2011

Extreme Couponing for Beginners!

Not trying to get all "behind the scenes of Dani's Blog" on you... but just yesterday I was proud that my parasite post had so many hits... apparently making a post titled "Is the world really ending tomorrow?" makes for a smashing hit on google the day before the "rapture"..... as in.... 133 more page reviews than parasites...

I suppose the end of the world is a little more concerning than parasites...

But now feel as if I should have created a better post... maybe with some creative dialogue between my brother and I... or some actual facts in the cookoo-bird who dubbed may 21st as the doomsday of this universe... or maybe even some pictures... or anything!

In good humor however, I decided I should play this game with google, and carefully pick my next subject title according to the current times... (by looking up google trends) and I am currently debating between "extreme couponing!" or "recent earthquakes" (I am assuming the concern over earthquakes is in consequence of the massive earthquake prediction for today...)

I never use coupons... I do not pick up Sunday papers as if they are a scavenger hunt for deals, nor do I subscribe to every store I enjoy and receive coupons strategically plopped right into my inbox. I am sure, some mathematician can explain to me in a logical manner on why I should use coupons, revealing all the pennies and dollars I would save in a year... and I wonder if this is a consequence of a soft life or lack of.... caring.

I don't mind paying full price...

But I do cut corners in other areas. For example, I only apply a full head of hair gail to my curly locks every 3 days. Also, my new trend is to only apply a full body of shower gel every few days. (Look it up, it is better for your skin. I do more of a spot cleaning... ya know... anyway...) I also feel as if I am saving water by not washing my jeans every time I wear them (though, this may be due to the fact they feel like tights right after the dryer) I also apply facial lotion to my foundation so it lasts longer! suddenly hit me... that I live a very un-green life... and all my attempts to cut corners has everything to do with hygiene or cosmetics...

I think I'm going to go now and re-evaluate my entire existence.

and all this... deriving from extreme couponing... oh my.

1 comment:

Moms Couponing Madness said...

this was a good read. very informative :D