Sunday, October 18, 2009

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. - William Pen

So I am on the brink of decision making. As of the moment I live by myself in a cute little one bedroom-upper apartment, where I can go and do as I please whenever it pleases me. But lately I have been daydreaming a lot more, and deeply began considering the option of studying abroad. (which is not that simple, because I'd want to do it for a foreign language, however I am not sure if I want to minor in Spanish... yes... lazy reasons...)However, IF this is something I want to do ((of which I have a mom and big sister really encouraging me to)) it would be a good idea to move back home.

But I have been on the fence on this for over a week now. This is largely due to my current relationship and the constraints this will put on it, which can drive me crazy if I am constantly basing this decision on that. I desperately want everyone's opinion however, and the only one I received from Alan is, "Whatever makes you happy"

Which then pushed me into this long winded rant, about how life has only proven to me that what you think will make you happy doesn't, and what you think wont bring joy does. So this pursuit of happiness is null and void and I should just pursue what is BEST for me and NOT what will make my HAPPY because my monumental happiness is based on selfish desires. However my problem solving mind can try to over ride my selfish desires to its best ability and try to make the right choice. Or, pray for divine intervention - for sometimes thats the only salvation we will ever have.

((and just so we all know, talking like this is not a good idea when the recipient is tired. yeah...))

Needless to say. I do not know if I want to do this, but I feel like I should...

....I should move back home. :(

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