Monday, October 10, 2011

21 Things that Irritate Dani

I get irritated with the things that irritate me, especially when I feel like they are things I'm too embarrassed to confess irritation about. So instead of sitting here in my bed relishing the irritation running through my veins, I am going to see how many times I can express irritation through a post that contains the word... irritation.

I know. I shall write about things that irritate me. This will make me forget about the current one.

  1. People talking with their mouth full of food. Chew. Swallow. Speak. And in that order please.
  2. People who consistently talk over you. Like your telling a story, and they don't even bother to listen long enough to realize your talking. Granted, most of my stories on the spot aren't too hot... but man.
  3. Whenever turning signals are left on. Forever.
  4. Being late. The longer I'm late, the higher the agitation rises. Until a certain point. anything after 30 min, I have to give up. I can not maintain a level of irritation above 30.
  5. Feeling unprepared
  6. Never having a night, or afternoon, to myself. No expectations. Nothing big to accomplish. Just me, my yoga pants, hoodie, and whatever the HECK I want to do. (I here these moments disappear with kids.)
  7. Being embarrassed and put down by people your close to, in inappropriate moments. (examples: holiday gatherings, birthday parties)
  8. My over bite. I feel like a gasping bugs bunny when I'm laughing.
  9. Whenever my car makes a strange noise
  10. When I can no longer find enough bobby pins to put in my hair
  11. When it is too hot to snuggle up into bed with all my covers
  12. Whenever my sister's cat Honey decides to howl into my ear, hour before my alarm goes off, because she's hungry.
  13. I like those little bottom pieces of popcorn at the bottom of the popcorn bowl. If you love me, you will leave those for me.
  14. I'm a closure freak. Its sad. In fact, I'm such a closure lover, that I end all conversations with valiant goodbyes. I tie everything up in nice bows and send them off with glowing farewells. I feel gypped if not returned. Though I am learning to cope. 
  15. Warm milk
  16. Cereal with too much milk
  17. Socks in bed
  18. People who complain about everything. I don't mind a little, but.... everything?
  19. Having too much to do, with too little time.
  20. Over thinking
  21. Getting irritated with things you wish you were too cool to be irritated about. 
I will say however, I found this to be a precious moment of my night:

Dani: "Sometimes Reed, you don't act 11." 
Reed: "That's because I am all of 11. I am 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1! That means I can act like any one of those ages"

Brilliant little brother.

So there. I am 23, but I am all of 23. And this means, sometimes I can act like an irritated 15 year old once and a while.

I actually feel much better now!

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