Sunday, April 29, 2012

Walk in a Present World Where all Wrongs Were made Right.

It is official, tomorrow is my last day at my current restaurant.

I suddenly had this urge to announce that I got my dream teacher job and I am going to spend the rest of my days in the Congo teaching children how to read and write with nothing but paper and crayons. But the truth is much less exciting...

This girl is transferring to another restaurant- same cooperation, different store.

This is something that I needed to do for a while. My pride really struggles with saying that, because I have put up such a valiant resistance to the fact my time is done here. I mean, THIS was the place where I pretty much grew up. A lot happens between the age 18 to 24.
Stuff like... bad decisions, socially awkward moments, bad hair cuts... I have fallen flat on my butt at this place, met some of the most amazing people I know (in fact, one is my maid of honor), and some managers have really invested meaningful moments into my life. Even the parking lot has enough memories to boast of.... conversations with Kara in our bare feet after closing on Sunday nights, awkward boys waiting to ask you out after work (yeah... did I mention awkward?), and a slew of other things. 

I've worked at this restaurant at times I felt like my insides were falling apart, I've learned how to fake a smile after you just got dumped from your boyfriend, how to quickly forget the tables that stiff you, and those moments you get a tip that makes you go back to the table with a glazed-shocked glimmer  in your eye as they convince you that they $20 tip is truly yours.

There were times I felt like I acted like some poor child who never makes enough money with the way I thanked some of them. However, those people were never forgotten, and I am so thankful for them.

Do not be mistaken loves... I am not confessing to some crying session in front of my computer as I create some strange memoir my life as a waitress. (mainly because, I am STILL a waitress, just now clocking into a different building... and normally I only cry if I feel like someone is mad at me) 
Just processing the fact that I am walking away from a building that has been probably the only consistent thing (other then God of course) through these crazy years.

Closure. I am grateful for unexpected closure moments. My stubborn little butt is moving forward. Ah, yes, so much to learn.

In fact, speaking of learning, I am suddenly inspired to list all of the things I have learned or re-learned this past month. (aka: nerdy alert):
- I do not read minds as well as I like to think.
- I CAN write a 15 page paper and have plenty to talk about.
- Your rarely initially right, you do not understand everything, and sometimes things get blown way out of proportion.
- When you walk into a place, and something inside questions "do I want to order food here?" its a sign that "no, walk away". You pay for it later.
- That I have un-necessary insecurities concerning my over bite. But seriously... why would you tell me I have the cutest bugs bunny over bite?! And to top it off, my mom's old boyfriend considered paying for BRACES if they got married. Is it that bad!?
- Weddings are a LOT of work. I mean.... wow.
- Half of my battle with communication is my tone.
- Studying the Bible rocks my world.
- To trust God with all the little details. 
- That opposed to popular belief... I'm not the nicest person you've ever met. I am not the most pure woman you will ever talk to. Sometimes I am not very nice, sometimes I am very selfish, but I promise I always feel like crap about it later. 
- I still want bangs.
- Pearl and the Beard are my new favorite band.

I wish I could curl up in my bed, 
and wake up with every apology i've ever said magically erase and change the past. 
As if every single "I am sorry" was actually a "re-do", 
and I could walk in a present world where all wrongs were made right.

I am grateful for my present world non-the less. I am given far more love then I deserve in so many ways.

And now, I shall leave you with a picture of my sister-in laws pretty bouquet from her wedding.
 I arranged them! (and yes, that was just me digging for affirmation. No shame!)

And a picture of my little brother just before he performd his first Saxaphone solo for the Bible Club Theme song. So proud of him! He looked SO handsome in his button up shirt and black pants! (I am also in love with the creepy pink-potentionally-levitation teddy bear in the background)

Go Reed!

Random Note: Just realized the I have another referring website beyond facebook and google! posted my Bob-the-Builder-Fix it-Alls post as a sermon idea! SEE! Crazy Cats!

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