Monday, April 16, 2012

Girl, I Love you, and you need to Hear me

The other day, I woke up and found myself wandering around the basement, feeding the whining cats and searching for clothes to wear, when I found my little brother Reed downstairs in his PJ's. I let out this huge sigh and said, "Man, I'm tired"

And like an old man, Reed sighs too and said, "oh, aren't we all"

I broke out laughing right on the spot. What's this young whipper snapper doing, relating to my exhaustion?

"There was a thunderstorm Dani, I have been waking up since 4:00 am"

Oh my oh my. :)

Today Kiel and I looked at an apartment. I truly hope it works out, it is small, but perfect. The neighborhood is alright, fits within the budget (even a little less), and I can truly see ourselves settling in there. I just don't know if they will let out kitty move in too :( That would be tragic. (Course, Kiel is reminding me "Dani, if we go abroad and do missions... you can't take that cat with you" I haven't told my little kitty this yet. I don't have the heart)

I also stamped all my cards with the return address, and assembled some of the invitations. I felt like a brainless machine. However, this way, I have sometime to address all of them. I really want them to have pretty hand writing, so I either have to suddenly learn how to do calligraphy, or just be content with my own. (I am striving for the later!)

Pre-marital counseling has been rocking our world. It is wild to be talking like an "us" and "we", and completely radical to see ALL of this through God. It is 100% based on God's word, so this means we have a LOT of homework. (In fact, we can barely keep up with it!) We struggled at first figuring out how to use the concordance with original word searches, but it has been awesome.
I walked into this with a million expectations as to what God's word says concerning marriage, and realized (again) that God knows what He's doing. I am not saying I am suddenly becoming a queen of submission, but it's as if God said this week "girl, I love you, and you need to hear me. This is for MY glory, and YOUR benefit"

With school coming to a close for the summer, and my 15 page paper behind me and ready to go, I starting to look around me and realize a chapter is coming to a close. I won't have little Reed wandering around my house anymore, and its sad, but I will miss him dearly. (I am trying to convince him to hang out at my place sometimes.) I wont have my mom reminding me to clean the bathroom...

But it shall be good! I am planning on recording more of my wedding planning adventures. I have some neat projects up and coming that are just way too fun to not post! The joys of being a DIY bride :)

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