Because, you see, my homework is still there. In fact I believe I accomplished just enough to NOT get another check off my list.

I still have to get up enough nerve to call my professor's cell phone and share my project idea (that keeps changing it's meaning. I say "it" as if my project has enough mind to change it's own meaning.) Which isn't a big deal, just never feels like a fun thing to do at the moment I can do it.
I even had a good helping of junk food today. I slept in, much to my delight... but this made for some interesting morning devotions. Trying to pray as you lay over the edge of your bed almost drooling back into sleep is a odd way to start the day (though I've had stranger beginnings)
But back to the junk food
I had 1/2 pound of Wendy's burger, while proving to Reed the sweet n sour sauce is
way better then BBQ with his chicken tenders. So I feel... well 1/2 pound heavier ironically.
So, why the good mood?
See, this morning (Or well, the few hours after I woke up... which is more like early afternoon in the real world) I walked around with one of these heavy heavy hearts, letting out sighs left and right, wondering- Why do I feel as if there is some impending doom looming over my head?
Thus, I concluded: I must have unconfessed stuff. So I opened my mouth, and confessed all of it.
This isn't a magic pill you take to get rid of the parasites in your life, but I believe it is just plain and simple: God.
We were not designed to hold of this in, and we should not dump all of it out onto someone. Therefor, confess it.
However, to any Biblical theologian out there that may stumble across this blog for some random reason: what are the defining differences between confessing your sins, or seeking forgiveness from your sins? I am starting to think that confessing is what we say to God, placing the sins before him, and forgiveness is what we receive. And in return, forgiveness is what we give to other's around us. Or am I just making this up?
Needless to say. Despite the pile of homework that will NEVER GO AWAY, it's been a lovely day.
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