Of course this was all tounge in cheek, making light of a day that I feel was exhausting and a test to everyone's patience. I managed to accomplish... one check mark on my self constructed-weekend- to-do list in my planner, as shown.

(That second check mark is deceiving, that is only there because I had a snow day on Wednesday and never got the outline for the paper due. So to
feel better, I gave myself a check mark. I wonder what that means, to give yourself a check mark for... the sake of...having one?)
And why all of the, what I call, "Conferences" with family members?
Well... you see...I like to give myself a pat on the back and whisper "blessed are the peace makers" as it says in the Bible. (Hey, I'm just being honest here. To all of you who know me on a personal level, save your scoffs!)
But today was a good slice of humble pie.
Peace makers are blessed because they bring peace: not force peace through soap-boxing new perspectives and creating angst for the sake of hitting personal agendas home...
Peace makers know when to let others figure peace out their own way
Peace makers know when to open their mouth, and when to leave it shut.
Peace makers think with the greater good in mind.
Needless to say, after a long day of... lets call it... passionate conversing... I had to end the day confessing I have to learn how to shut up and back off.
Maybe if I do, I might be able to add a couple more check marks to my list of need-to-do's. It truly is amazing what can be accomplished when you de-clutter the mind and leave enough room breath and movement.
Side Note: I have been craving a project, that is
not dictated by a professor or university. Thus, I
am challenging myself to do a, "Little things"
project. Every day, take a picture of something
that either captures the essence of the day, or just caught
my attention, and blog about it. Doubt I will keep up
with this DAILY, but it is nice to have that goal.
So, in other words... more words... to come?
Good or bad, here it goes. :)
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