How great would it be, if life had an ice scream scooper. One that you could just scoop out pockets of time and just fester in them until your satisfied. (Not saying I FESTER in my ice-cream, not entirely sure what that would look like)
Because, in reality, THIS is what I end up doing with my real life time:

This, is my American Literature text book.
This was what I was supposed to be reading before I went to work tonight.
But this is what I did instead.
So as most may already know, I am an 23 year old who lives with her mom and goes to college in dreams of being a teacher when she grows up.
And while I am so thankful that I have a mom who lets me save money so I can actually afford college, it has become increasingly evident that I am becoming a pain in the butt to deal with.
Because... well I'll just be frank about it.
I am acting like I own the house.
I desperately believe this is coming from a desire to HAVE my own place, because well... I am 23 years old after all. 100 years ago I'd probably have 3 kids by now and be queen of the home for all I know. (or at least ruler of the kitchen)
But since I have yet to settle down and devote a lifetime with a man,
or have a child,
or stinken graduate from college already,
this is where I am.
So if my mom is reading this,
I am sorry for being such a pain,
but thanks for putting up with this
highly opinionated woman in your home.
Random Advice of the Moment:
For all the days you just don't feel awake enough, your stomach is giving you grief, your head is throbbing, or you just cant get your spirits up, constantly running around, or failing to accomplish anything productive, do yourself a favor and take a bath.
It truly makes the world of difference.
I ALMOST forgot about that 7 page paper that's waiting for me
Or the 40 pages I have to read
Or the lesson plan I must create
Or the other paper I need to finish
Or writing about the top 15 most important facts in American History...
Because I would know all about that...
I almost forgot all about it.
So breath, relax, and take a bath.
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