Saturday, December 10, 2011
Cautiously Walking on Egg Shells
So this Christmas season I feel like a woman who is cautiously walking on egg shells with her guard up, just waiting for the next battle with a sheer determination to WIN whatever the heck it is....
Rest assure, nothing has happened yet. I have had horrible dreams that almost convinced me something bad happened by the time I woke up, but in the real world, all is well.
I just realize walking around like this, and living life constantly guarding your heart against everyone, is exhausting, and probably not necessary... and causing distance.
I am excited however to finish my exams, and get cracking hard core on my gift making. About 80% of my gifts this year are hand made... my favorite way :) So from next week wednesday, and probably until New Years, this girl will be at her sewing machine or kitchen counter piecing together my gifts.
Ok. Back to those exams...
Friday, November 18, 2011
Bob the Builder Little Mr. Fix-It-Alls
I've noticed, that as Christians, we so often romp around this world as little Bob the Builder Mr. Fix-its. Sometimes we make struggling people into projects, or shower people with a soap-box versions of our own stories and journeys, and most of the time we think we totally understand what another is feeling and going through "Because one time, I went through this... and I felt like this.... and this helped me see this... and thats what you need to do!"
I sincerely believe that the intentions are pure. I know mine have been. And I know other's have been as well.
But I don't think we are Bob the Builder little Mr. Fix-it-alls, that's 100% completely and totally God's job.
People are not our projects.
Most do not want to hear a sermon when sharing their heart
... and we do not always understand what they are feeling,
but for the times that we do, I believe God places those as tools, not moments to talk about ourselves.
"Healing begins when we hold tightly to the truth of God and allow the truth of God to hold tightly to us. God gives each of us the freedom to accept or reject His way. When we lean into His truth, we are less likely to conform to the world. His truth, His Word can be the light for each step we take. It illuminates the path that leads to His heart. God’s Word transforms. The apostle Paul said, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2a)"
-Gwen Smith
Ok, so I read Job 1-2 today for my awesome new "Read the Bible in a Year" plan. The other night, I was talking to a dearly beloved soul in this world (impressive title, I may add), and talked about two different kinds of struggles.
- The struggles that are brought upon ourselves with sin, our own choices. Stuff we need to repent of, and actively change in our lives.
- Struggles that are not that concrete. Things that were not brought into your life due to a consequence of a decision: like my dad's death of ALS (a genetic disorder), or deep struggles of the heart.
And so in Job, I saw the later taking play. Job did nothing to earn his struggles, but rather he was enduring tests.
Made me wonder, what areas in our lives are test ordained and permission by God?
This is how Job responded to the tests:
“We live with accusations, sometimes heavy expectations that tell us we can never measure up. And yet You repeat with mercy that in Your eyes we are worthy, ‘til at last we see how much we’re loved.” -The song, "Broken into Beautiful" by Gwen Smith
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
It is annoying. Because days later, or hours later, I find out what it is.
That is why I hate feeling as if I know something... without really knowing something.
Monday, November 7, 2011
The After Taste of Birthday Cake
Friday, November 4, 2011
I wasn't this Big Monster Running Around, Spilling Bitterness into Everyone's Coffee Cups.
At first it became a goofy scavenger hunt, where I tried to find little things I could laugh at. Stories about Reed when he was little, moments I recorded with friends. But walking down the roads of your past should come with much brighter warning labels.
Because, I recognized this girl.
I was reading about a girl, who was going through some hard times, who slapped on the "I'm fine" face and marched through this world like it owed me something.
I had no idea, that the worse was yet to come. And the pain was yet to double.
Because choices, have consequences. Good and bad.
But despite my harsh criticism of the old Dani,
I'm still Dani.
New or old.
It MAY be possible that my inner world is a little eccentric, and that it fools myself to believe that what I think, feel and believe is of utmost importance.
I tend to hold the trivial things too tightly, and the heavy matters too loosely.
Honestly however, I relate to that silly girl. Sometimes I get rather tired of dividing my life up into "Old Dani" and "New Dani", as if my life consisted of some Great Berlin Wall that has been "officially broken down" I find myself getting defensive of her, not necessarily trying to defend what she did or say, but to make everyone know that I wasn't this big monster running around, spilling bitterness into everyone's coffee cups.
It is as if I go back into the pages of time, and want to grab that younger woman and tell her "it's ok. You ARE lovable... your just being a butt head right now, but your worth it. Just get real with yourself"
So when I read this recently in my devotions, it really has stuck with me; as a huge, loving reminder from God:
"We construct walls over which no one can climb because the cost of friendship is too high. We fill the windows of our soul with emotional excuses in order to avoid dealing with pain. The result is darkness, loneliness and missed opportunities for restoration. We don’t want to understand depression or find the treasures of that darkness; we simply want to be rid of it. Many people try to understand and deal with depression on a surface level – refusing to face painful experiences, difficult relationships and, in general, the broken places where darkness lives. We look for the nearest exit, hoping to bypass transparency because the price is just too much to pay. Emotional integrity is an essential step to recognizing, understanding and dealing with depression. We must be real before we can be right, and until we are willing to risk being transparent, we can neither understand nor effectively deal with depression during the holidays or any other time of the year." - Mary Southerland
It reminds me so very much of my journey. It is not where I am, but it is where I have been.
So ok, MAYBE there was a huge wall that was crumbled over, by the sheer power of God. And ok, POSSIBLY God can use the testimony of "Dani the Dramatic One" for His glory somehow. (I feel like I am laying the melodrama on real thick today by the way)
I suppose in a very strange way, my whole point in all of this, was to say:
I'm still kind of a stubborn, feisty, eccentric, smiley, butt head ya know.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Grapers
(Reed has formally named The Grapers.)
Mrs. Graper, and Mr. Graper... have two babies named Hermie and Mildie.
And Mr. Graper's face is smudging off. It's a tragedy.
Not to mention Hermie is kind of deflating.
I suppose they have health issues.
And this concludes my incredibly productive evening.
I am not too sure if I am just posting this because I feel this is a wonderful expression of creativity at its finest... or I am taking any chance I may find to do anything but homework... either way. I think they are charming.
Monday, October 24, 2011
the morning my car acted like it was about ready to hand over its keys
and say "I shall work no more"
But honestly, ever feel like you abuse God's mercies? I pray in bed every morning, and sometimes I wonder if God ever gets tired of me praying and confessing the same things over and over and over again. The battle feels exhausting, and I get tired of feeling like I am messing everything up. I understand that this is when we rely on God's strength, and not our own, but I cant even seem to be able to manage that half of the time.
Monday, October 10, 2011
21 Things that Irritate Dani
I know. I shall write about things that irritate me. This will make me forget about the current one.
- People talking with their mouth full of food. Chew. Swallow. Speak. And in that order please.
- People who consistently talk over you. Like your telling a story, and they don't even bother to listen long enough to realize your talking. Granted, most of my stories on the spot aren't too hot... but man.
- Whenever turning signals are left on. Forever.
- Being late. The longer I'm late, the higher the agitation rises. Until a certain point. anything after 30 min, I have to give up. I can not maintain a level of irritation above 30.
- Feeling unprepared
- Never having a night, or afternoon, to myself. No expectations. Nothing big to accomplish. Just me, my yoga pants, hoodie, and whatever the HECK I want to do. (I here these moments disappear with kids.)
- Being embarrassed and put down by people your close to, in inappropriate moments. (examples: holiday gatherings, birthday parties)
- My over bite. I feel like a gasping bugs bunny when I'm laughing.
- Whenever my car makes a strange noise
- When I can no longer find enough bobby pins to put in my hair
- When it is too hot to snuggle up into bed with all my covers
- Whenever my sister's cat Honey decides to howl into my ear, hour before my alarm goes off, because she's hungry.
- I like those little bottom pieces of popcorn at the bottom of the popcorn bowl. If you love me, you will leave those for me.
- I'm a closure freak. Its sad. In fact, I'm such a closure lover, that I end all conversations with valiant goodbyes. I tie everything up in nice bows and send them off with glowing farewells. I feel gypped if not returned. Though I am learning to cope.
- Warm milk
- Cereal with too much milk
- Socks in bed
- People who complain about everything. I don't mind a little, but.... everything?
- Having too much to do, with too little time.
- Over thinking
- Getting irritated with things you wish you were too cool to be irritated about.
Reed: "That's because I am all of 11. I am 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1! That means I can act like any one of those ages"
Brilliant little brother.
So there. I am 23, but I am all of 23. And this means, sometimes I can act like an irritated 15 year old once and a while.
I actually feel much better now!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I shall go Find my Grumpy Pants and Slither into them and Whine
My instant reaction to being "too busy!" is to go find my grumpy pants and slither into them and whine about the demands of life. I've been trying to organize the differences between venting, and complaining... because I do believe they are different. I try to just vent currently,and do my best to swallow the complaining... because good grief- I signed up for all of this!
I've noticed however, that there is a deep sense of fullness intertwined throughout life. God is everywhere, and always there. My relationships have much deeper meaning, where I live has purpose, what I do is... well an end to a means for the most part, but God is in that too.
One lovely blessing in my week, is that I help out with The Dock (an after school program that seeks to touch kids lives with the truth of God). I go in on Mondays. Pretty much, I hang out with a kids between the grades 6th-12th and get beat in every game I try to play.
A few Mondays ago was my first time. I choose to share with the kids my struggles with forgiveness, and what the Bible says about forgiveness. I mean, when you read the verse that says "God will not forgive you, if you do not forgive others"... thats a pretty big deal! In fact, it stood out as a very, clear, and loud warning to my current circumstance.
So next Monday, I lead talk time again... and I have been rummaging around in my brain for a good topic, trying to go for what God wants me to share. I have great ideas that use art, I have other ideas that use... other things... but I just have this strong conviction to use things that are relevant- and what God has been speaking to me.
So I am currently outlining a talk about the word "Honor", and the story I have about this word, and what it means, what it looks like, and what God has to say about it, and bla bla bla. We shall see what happens. I'm thinking slide show... keep me on track... yeeaa
In the mean time, I have a test to finish up, a paper to write, coffee with grandma, and the Dock's Grand Opening to attend, and all the other things a weekend in Dani's life include.
I will add however, I am rather proud of my breakfast this morning. I, the woman who eats cake and ice-cream for breakfast...
Sunday, September 18, 2011
I don't have to be such a Goober
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Rambunctious reactions to Shooting Stars
Because this weekend has been so amazing, I feel as if I am dragging myself into the week hoping I will somehow find the enthusiasm to do the list of "have to do's" that I once held so dear in my planner.
Thus today is the after glow with a bitter reality that homework did not complete itself on it's own. My little brother is having his first day of school in a new school today too, I am so curious how this went. (First time ever riding the bus to school, thats a big deal in 6th grade!)
I am also an official mother to TWO lovely cats. I called this my "independent girlfriend decision", of which my "independent boyfriend" agreed in that I have every right to have another cat... despite his allergies. (ok, so maybe the debate did not go quite as smoothly as I depicted, but he said yesterday was the last day he can tease me about it. Which, I don't believe)
She's a little spunk butt though, I believe Honey is a little terrified of this wee one. I'm at loss as to what to name her though.
Ok. So I am going to drag this smiling content woman back to her homework now.
Monday, August 22, 2011
This Bathroom
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Blog Make-Over!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
"Can I stick my finger in it!"
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Pretended to be Dead Asleep the Entire Time.
Friday, July 22, 2011
As if I've finally packed away my "then" and arrived in my "now"
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Nightly Escapades with Unprepared Souls
Friday, June 24, 2011
I have noticed my silence in blog world. I have in fact, been busy and not busy all at the same time. It’s this beautiful balance between rest and need-to’s with want-to’s, sprinkled with a few love-to’s. I have very little to complain about, and I have been so blessed. I have this silly little smile on my face that I can’t seem to wipe off.
After my fun day filled with kids, small groups, baking cookies, watching classic movie, laughing, and even some YOGA (yea. Inflexible little me trying to make my limbs stretch. Quite fun), I was hit with this desire to have some steamed asparagus with Parmesan cheese. So I grabbed the frozen asparagus, heat up a little water, and went to business.
Only to have my little sister ask me a few minutes later….
“Why are you cooking green beans at 12:30 in the morning?”
“They are not green beans! I’m making asparagus!”
“No… I think they are green beans Dani.”
So disappointing.
When you crave and envision one thing, and end up with another because you fail to read the labels on bags… it can be rather disappointing. But I made due. I was initially craving my tuna salad I made earlier… but I believe my mother ate it.
I also had this great conversation with an older man who used to work for World Missions (or, something close to that name. The exact name slips me) and we had this talk about education being a huge focus, and that educators who are willing (and called) have opportunities to teach all around the world within missions.
And that is exciting to this little lady. I recall the calling to “become a certified teacher”, but beyond this, I know little as to where to go. All the talk about job availability being low in Michigan does not faze me; for I am not even positive God wants me to teach in Michigan. I’m not trying to sound foot-loose-and-fancy-free… but I am just excited. If I trust in God with a steadfast spirit, who knows where I will end up? I just want to be part of something bigger than my own needs, and I’m almost anxious to hear what God calls me to do next.
But in the mean time, I will try to remember to read labels better and enjoy the blessings God has given for today.
But… EEK!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Act of Kindness

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Someone Broke my Mom.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Extreme Couponing for Beginners!
Friday, May 20, 2011
"Is the world really ending tomorrow?"
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Cokes with light ice and kids chocolate milks...

I would call myself a hero, but in hindsight, I believe cats are smart enough to not jump into a hot oven.
So now I just feel silly.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
This has to be Love

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Somebody's Somebody
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Some Alternative Universe

Monday, February 14, 2011
Unique and Beautiful.

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Breath, Relax, and Take a Bath.

Friday, February 11, 2011
A Heart is Hard to Break That Way