Monday, November 7, 2011

The After Taste of Birthday Cake

I sincerely love this verse. I am half tempted to grab this verse and post it everywhere.

ACTUALLY! I tried this. Turns out nothing sticks to my car's dashboard. This is either due to dust, or my car as an allergic reaction to God's Word. I'm choosing to stick to the dust theory....

This past weekend is sadly over. 
I did not work Saturday or Sunday.
had my family birthday party.
I went to TWO weddings in ONE day.

My friend Joy was one of the most radiant brides I've ever scene. I am pretty sure her face hurt from all the smiling. I walked away from her wedding just in awe of her love for God, their love for God, and just how that shown through. 

My boyfriend's friend's wedding was a blast too. Now that was a celebration. I'm a proud girlfriend of a dance king (of sorts), and I discovered a new side to myself:
I'm that bully of a woman who snatches the bouquet from happy little girls...
OK, we BOTH caught the bouquet at the same time. 
The only difference, is that instead of looking at it with big excited eyes
I grabbed it.
I am not desperate.
I'm not.
I'm just  developing this underdeveloped competitive side to Dani...
and it's causing me to do crazy things.
Like run a 10k....
and telling my 6 foot 5 inch boyfriend I will beat him...

I believe weddings cause you to reflect on either your own wedding, your own marriage, or your own relationships. 
And that's exactly what I am doing as I sit here at my kitchen table, with the after taste of my birthday cake still in my mouth, and just amazed on how much BIGGER God is then.... well... everything. 
And how small we make Him.
Especially in relationships, where so often it becomes all about ourselves. Naturally we want to judge the other person based on:
"How do "I" feel loved?"
"What do they do for me?"
"Do they know ME?"

So, ok, here goes the reality check: This is really not all about me.
It's all about Him.
(and him)
But mostly Him.

THIS is why I LOVE Isaiah 43:18-19
Forget the past. Stop looking behind, and trying to put the puzzle pieces of old stories and old lives together into a cohesive whole. Look ahead, and see what God is doing. 
Despite the barren, dull, wasted, desolate, empty, wild, abandoned, and forsaken areas of our lives. 

Because see? He is doing a new thing!

And that is flipping exciting! 

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