Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nightly Escapades with Unprepared Souls

So I am a nerd. I printed out my school schedule already, and basically mapped out my up coming year. I think I am going to spoil myself and have Fridays off.... that sounds lovely. (This may be a conniving plan so that I may frolic around with a favorite of mine.)

Which reminds me... College of Education Packet... I really need to pick that monster up. blagh.

My family and I have this up and coming road trip to good ol' Oklahoma tomorrow morning! My mom says we are leaving 3:00 in the morning, and when I told her I was planning on just staying up until 3:00 she looked at me like I was crazy. My logic is sound.

a) I still have to pack.
b) I have to pack after work, so this might... take a minute.
c) I don't have to drive first
d) I'll be tired, so I'll sleep for sure in the car!

So basically, I will have two hours in which I will need to find things to do to entertain myself until I leave. I'm rather creative in this department, and chances are I'll just end up eating random food. Maybe some yoga? Feed the cats... share my nightly escapades with unprepared souls...

I am also convinced that a road trip is a legit excuse to go visit the book store.

This is exciting news for me.
My friend once gave me a gift card to Barnes and Noble
and I was so geeked out,
it kind of scared her.
True story

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