Monday, December 28, 2009

I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead. -Goldwyn

So I can see the end to all of this crazy-mayhem. My days of packing and going down, then up, then down again stairs... driving... then down and then up again stairs is coming to an end. I have pretty much everything back at my moms, I just have to use and abuse my mom's boyfriend and his truck tomorrow, then clean. See? I see the end.

I may have mentioned this before, but I really like my landlord-couple that lives below my previous apartment. Christmas morning I found a box of chocolates with a card from them by my door, thanking me for being such a great tenant. (yay!) So I was naturally worried that they wouldn't find a new tenant fast enough, like as if I ripped them off or something. (silly, but true) So I was happy to hear that they have a NEW tenant moving in THIS Thursday. So yesssss. The world really does carry on in my absence.

So here's to new beginnings in old places. Closing a book and opening a new one. Frustrated with what was, what is, and what could be. But giving it all up to discover the hope, the faith, and love that is promised. .

I'm home.

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