Towards the end of every semester, I always feel like I accomplished this huge accomplishment, as if we all should have mini-semester-graduation ceremonies for completing everything without drowning. I guess that's what the Dean's List is for, but one year from GRCC I received their so called "Dean's List" certificate and it didn't even have my right name. It said:
David Ophoff
Really? Last time I checked my name was DANIELLE. It was like my deceased father was playing a particle joke on me, taking all the credit for my good grades. My family laughed so hard we nearly cried.
...Needless to say, this is finals week.
I just finished organizing my next three exams into their neat little categories, lined up according to the timeline of exam.
All of the chapters and exams and all their reviews stapled together in order.
To be honest? My organization when it comes to my studying methods freak me out.
And so I continue my go-go-go spree of do-do-do's. I remember back when I was more in-tune with myself, more in-tuned with my faith and way more confident of what I wanted in life, I would drive without the radio on. I found the countless adds and commercials, and stupid songs completely distracting. But now I rarely drive with it off ((however my detest towards commercials remains)). I will jab through all of my presets, and if I must I will listen to Brittany Spears over carpet cleaning specials or how real Wendy's burgers taste. (which is a whole other topic)
Thus one must wonder, what is it about the lives that we live that we insist on constantly finding distractions? What is that your distracting yourself from?
1 comment:
I'm really sorry this happened and that your experience of being on the Dean's List was diminished by the college's screw-up.
I'm going to take it up with the Dean of Student Affairs and make sure you get a proper certificate.
- Derek DeVries
Communications Department
Grand Rapids Community College
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