Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.- Lennon

Today was one of those days, that inspire you to sleep more. I was not awake enough for my English class's discussion on Harry Potter, but distant enough to be amazed on how passionate people are about Harry Potter. ((Debating, should I read the books? ))

I chose today to mentally go to sleep during Spanish, however today chose ME to be randomly called upon. "eh... no comprendo lo siento..." Yes. When all I really had to say was "Yo duda que ti padres hayan un milliones dolares."

OK, On a bunny trail for second. So apparently someone who speaks Spanish has a telephone number a LOT like mine. Because it has happened often enough that my phone rings, I answer, and its this fluent Spanish speaking individual. So I reply the most logical manner I know how, "Lo siento, no hablo espanol." and since I cant think fast enough on how to say they called the wrong number... thats all I say. I tell them in Spanish that I can not speak Spanish. Cool story huh?

Then I was almost late for work because I was too busy eating ice cream from the box and popping my cold sore, then trying to cover up my cold sore only to realize the lipstick I bought for this VERY purpose looked silly. I wish make up had a trial period sometimes...

But you know, all of this would have been fine if I just had more sleep. I think a lot of things would be fine if we all had more sleep. Sleep=Sanity

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