I have a wonderful wonderful friend. We have traveled this journey called life together for years now together, and I love talking with her and know that I am not alone in my questions.
What am I doing with my life? Am I living according to God's plan, or my own?
And its just awesome to have someone to talk about all the silly things girls talk about too!
Something from our last conversation has not left me however.
It's this question: What is more important... having your own family... or seeking out justice in the world?
This is mainly coming from what I will call, the pressure to live the "American Dream", the cycle that really does not leave much room for much else then it entails. the "Get married! Make me grandkids! Get a good job!" The stereo type.
But I kept going back to this. And so here I am. I will now share with you my answer. (haha another one of my rants)
....the poor. Isn't this all they really want? To be able to have their family? To be able to feed them? Give them shelter? How about the refugee camps across the world, isn't this what they miss? Isn't the absence of their family, their children, their brother's and sister's, something they crave to reunite? All of the innocent people persecuted and oppressed, wouldn't they fight for the chance to have their own family to be healthy and educated?
And so we should care, of course. God calls us to care for these issues, for the injustice.
But does that mean, that having your own child isn't as important? does this mean that raising your own child with all the love and care is not as important as traveling the world and serving others?
Both are important.
I do not believe that one is more important then the other, or that you have to do one and not the other.
You can do both.
God is JUST that awesome.
I don't care what people say, all you moms out there are amazing. You are the most selfless, patient, little lovers out there. All those sleepless nights, all the stinky diapers, all the fussy moments as they whine about their teeth growing, all the scraped knees, bad attitudes, temper tantrums, feeding schedules, homework, rebellious moments... you love your children in ways you never thought possible. God called you to be a mom, and you are. Your not perfect, but you
love.I believe, that with this love, God shows you how to love all those unloved babies. With that love, you hear, and understand, the pains and tears of a mother who lost her child because she could not feed her babies. You will want justice.
It's not the big things that change the world. It's the pile of many many little things. God is not calling one person to be the hot shot and run the whole show, but calls all of us to make brave little steps to care as He does. God knits together all the little threads of life in order to make a whole.
Some may have a child, some may not.
Some may marry, some may remain single.
Some may travel the globe, learn about new cultures and offer their love.
Some may stay within their community and help the broken in their own neighborhood.
Some may make money to support the others who do a job that pays nothing, but does everything.
Some may be persecuted while other's are not.
No matter what part of the body you are in, it is important. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Love your children, siblings, parents, friends, coworkers, enemies and strangers with all your heart, soul, and mind. And with all of this, hear the cry of the
oppressed. God will show you what to do from there.
May the pieces, and fragments, of your life,
Consisting of seemingly small things,
be pieced together by God,
so that until your last breath,
you give Him glory.
Ok thats all!